Hal ~ Resolve to Solve; Helps rural communities & migrants find local employment opportunities to avoid forced migration. “Hal” (हल) pronounced as hull, has two meanings in Hindi language. One
is ‘solution’ as in solution to a problem; the other is ‘plough’ (noun), quintessential farming tool of farmers across the world. The etymological root of “Hal” comes from Sauraseni Prakrit (hala)
and Sanskrit हल (halá).
Hal App aims to help rural communities and local residents forced to migrate for lack of employment opportunities to find jobs in nearest places to avoid inter-district and inter-state displace.
Hal App is a service provided by the “Footprints Initiative”, a consortium of organisations working to find sustainable solutions for employment opportunities in India. Forced migration remains once of the biggest humanitarian challenge in India; witnessed in full view during this crises in 2020, when over 30 mn migrants (some estimates suggests 60 mn), desperate migrants in cities walked, trekked, hitched many forms of transportation to be able to reach in the safety of their homes in villages. India has world largest population of ‘Internally Displaced People’ (IDP) or migrants, some estimates put this at 80 mn; forced to migrate for various reasons, disaster, violence, law and order issues, displacement, resettlement and cheifly owing to lack of incomes in place of residence, with farming incomes having remaining low over past two decades.
Hal ~ Resolve to Solve; platform is a multi-agency, volunteer driven initiative to leverage technology, migrant networks, community support workers and volunteers to reach out to millions of migrants for finding jobs, vocations and opportunities befitting their expertise.